ザ シンフォニーホール
- コンサートホール
- エリア
- 大阪府大阪市北区
- 最寄り駅
- JR大阪環状線 福島駅 から徒歩約7分
■About The Symphony Hall
In 1982, The Symphony Hall is the first concert hall designed specifically for western classical music in Japan. It was built as part of the commemorative project of the 30th anniversary of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. Since then, the hall has gained international recognitions and hosted a variety of many memorable performances. The renowned conductor Herbert von Karajan boldly pronounced, “The Symphony Hall is one of the best hall in the world.”
In 2014, The Symphony Hall corp. will open a new chapter of The Symphony Hall. We are ensuring preservation of the great history of the hall even as we continue to expand our musical offerings.
■About The Symphony Hall
In 1982, The Symphony Hall is the first concert hall designed specifically for western classical music in Japan. It was built as part of the commemorative project of the 30th anniversary of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. Since then, the hall has gained international recognitions and hosted a variety of many memorable performances. The renowned conductor Herbert von Karajan boldly pronounced, “The Symphony Hall is one of the best hall in the world.”
In 2014, The Symphony Hall corp. will open a new chapter of The Symphony Hall. We are ensuring preservation of the great history of the hall even as we continue to expand our musical offerings.
スポット名 | ザ・シンフォニーホール |
TEL | 06-6453-1010 |
住所 |
〒531-0075 大阪府大阪市北区大淀南2丁目3-3 |
営業日 |
HP | http://www.symphonyhall.jp/ |
駐車場 | あり |
備考 | ■ザ・シンフォニーホールについて ヘルベルト・フォン・カラヤンをして「世界一の響き」と言わしめたザ・シンフォニーホールは、朝日放送創立30周年記念事業の一環として1982年に開館した「日本初のクラシック専用ホール」です。 以降30年の歳月のなかで数々の名演が生まれたこのホールを、培われてきた歴史や伝統とともに株式会社ザ・シンフォニーホールが引き継ぎました。2014年、ザ・シンフォニーホールが変わらずクラシック音楽の殿堂としてあり続けるために、「継承」と「発展」を胸に多くのファンの皆様とともに新たな一歩を踏み出します。これからも豊かな響きを心ゆくまでご堪能ください。 ■About The Symphony Hall In 1982, The Symphony Hall is the first concert hall designed specifically for western classical music in Japan. It was built as part of the commemorative project of the 30th anniversary of Asahi Broadcasting Corporation. Since then, the hall has gained international recognitions and hosted a variety of many memorable performances. The renowned conductor Herbert von Karajan boldly pronounced, “The Symphony Hall is one of the best hall in the world.” In 2014, The Symphony Hall corp. will open a new chapter of The Symphony Hall. We are ensuring preservation of the great history of the hall even as we continue to expand our musical offerings.■ザ・シンフォニーホールの魅力 コルクタイルを使用したホールの床、こだわりを尽くして仕上げた壁、天井には鳥をイメージした40枚の反響板…。クラシック音楽にはもっとも良いとされる「残響2秒」の実現のために、細部にわたって技術者、スタッフすべての英知が注がれたホールは30余年の間、多くのアーティストに愛されてきました。 また、お客様にとっても、客席がステージを囲むアリーナシアター形式のホールは視覚的にも楽しむことができ、座席数1704という規模はどこの席からでも、豊かな響きを体感することができます。 先端の技術を誇る照明・音響システム、くつろぎの空間を演出するホワイエ、白亜の外観を覆うほどのプロムナードの並木…。すべてが一体となって、感動と歓びを創出しています。 ■Features on The Symphony Hall After passing the promenades among trees, the elegant white concert hall adorned with ten Grecian style columns appears majestically in front of us. Since The Symphony Hall appeared in Osaka, many artists in the world have formed a deep love for the hall. People feel this hall is special because we could see the effort and wisdom of all creators, technicians and hall staffs. Particularly notable future of the hall includes the state of the art acoustic system. The cork floor, the carefully designed wall, and the sound reflection board attached to the ceiling appearing like a bird in fly allows for two full seconds of reverberation. This is making the ideal reverberation for classical music. A 1704-seat hall is designed in an arena style allowing optimal visibility to the entire audience. There are also a comfortable café and a lounge open for all performances. These features help to create the unique and special experience The Symphony Hall has to offer. |